What does PFTtech do?

PFTtech uses extremely small levels of a liquid or gaseous Fluorocarbon to use as a tracer to locate underground liquid or gaseous filled pipeline leaks. We primarily use this technology to locate underground dielectric fluid filled cable leaks for the utility industry.

Is the tracer safe?

Yes, it is a non-toxic compound commonly used in the makeup and medicalindustries.

Are there any environmental implications?

No, other than improving the environment by quickly locating leaks. Our fluorocarbon is not listed in EU F-gas regulations or in US regulations.

What industry it this applicable

PFT technology LLC specializes in locating underground fluid filled high voltage cables for the utility industry. We can also locate many other types of leaks such as water, gas and oil in other industries.

Does it change the characteristics of the fluid or gas it is injected?

No, our instruments are so sensitive that we only use concentrations in the low Parts Per Million (PPM) levels that will have no affect on the fluid or gas you are using.

Where do we provide the service?

We are based out of New York and London. We work primarily in the UK andUS but it is possible to work or consult worldwide.

How long have you been doing this type of work?

PFT technology LLC started in 2005. The owners pioneered the technology in themid 1990’s.

How small a leak can you find?

Any size leak can be located using PFTtech. We have found leaks that were not yet detected on a system up to 1000 gallon per hour leaks.

How long does it take to find a leak on a tagged cable?

Search times vary from one hour to several days. On average we locate leaks in oneor two shifts.

What is your accuracy?

We have a 99% success rate in finding the leak in a single 3 meter excavation.

How many dielectric fluid leaks have you found?

Over 400 leaks in three countries and across the USA.

How long has this been used in the utility industry?

The first use was in 1994 in NYC and has been used with out incident since then in several countries on high, medium, and low pressure systems.

Does the tracer leave the cable?

No, unless the system is flushed with new fluid.

What is ‘Preventative tagging’?

Most of our customers use our services on an emergency leak for the first time. That entails us flushing our tracer into the leaking cable, which can take days or weeks. We then can locate the leak very quickly. Our customers then opt to ‘preventatively tag’ their cables. This is done on a planned basis and we would flush our tracer into their entire system.

What are the benefits of preventatively tagging a system?

There are many;

  • Faster response
  • Less damage to the environment
  • Faster and cheaper environmental clean up
  • Lower cost to flush the system
  • Ability to transfer the cost of flushing to capital accounts

What utilities have completely tagged their entire system?

Some are, Con Edison, Braintree Electric, Rochester Gas and Electric, Westar, National Grid UK. Many more are in the process of tagging their systems on a long-term plan.

Can area’s get saturated with your tracer?

Not as long as our methods are followed.

Do you work on an emergency basis?

Yes, we work on emergency calls.

How do I contact you for more info or for emergency work?

You can call us at 1-201-916-1076 or contact@pfttech.com